------------------- A NON DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN TO RUN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY= A LIFEGUARD WHO CAN NOT SWIM TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO SAVE PEOPLE WHO CANNOT SWIM A person who wants to be politician, it should require that him/her to have democratic values, human rights values and work for these values. A politician who has not democratic values, he/she will endanger people`s lives and put the country in danger like a lifeguard who can not swim. Mikael Mike Sadeghi 2018 -------------------- IT IS SIMPLE, DO YOU WANT A CROOK, CON AND CRIMINAL PERSON TO BE ALLOWED TO WORK AS POLITICIAN, A PERSON WHO ONLY THING IN HIS/HER MIND IS MONEY AND DOSENT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT COUNTRY AND PEOPLE OF COUNTRY ? THE ANSWER IS THIS INSTEAD TO STOP THESE PEOPLE TO BECOME POLITICIANS! WITHOUT ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY IN A WISE WAY, THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS THROUGH THIS ORGANIZATION (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES). 2018  -------------------- NON DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS Dont let in non democratic politicians in your democratic country = don`t let in disaster into your country 2018 -------------------  ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY.... POLITICIANS IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES MUST LEGISTLATE .....that endangering democracy is serious crime to commit and politicians(note: only politicians not ordinary people) who endanger democracy must be punished by several years in prision and losing thier licence to work as politician by a democratic court(a court that its job is to protect democracy that it members are either elected by people or are from this organization-ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES). There should be examples for what to say or do vill endanger democracy, for example calling serious media that gurantee democracy is working for fake news, is the same as endangering democracy. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 2018 -------------------- ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY MUST BE CONSIDERED A SERIOUS CRIME TO COMMIT BY DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES! HOW? I WILL EXPLAIN IT HERE:  Based on what someone(a politician only politicians this is about) says or does, a committee or court should decide if that will endanger democracy or not. Like calling serious media that gurantee that democracy is working and gurantee people`s freedom for fake news is the same as endangering democracy and politicians that endanger democracy must be sentenced several years in prison. or as politician, lying a lot to the face of people for example more than three times,  should be considered as endangering democracy and endangering people`s freedom.  There should be  a committee and a court in the country to handle democracy issues. Their main job is to protect democracy in the country and to stop non democratic activities and indict non democractic politicians based on what they have said and done that could endanger democracy and peoples freedom in the country. Democracy would survive for all future in the country if this committee and court have control over army, police and security services in the country to stop non democratic people and organizations from overthrowing democracy in the country- Members of this committee and court should be either elected by people or should be from ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES.   2018 -------------------- CRIME WILL MAKE PEOPLE UNHAPPY WITH DEMOCRACY.. Politicians that have democratic values, should not be soft on criminals, they should legislate to put serious criminals behind bars for very long time, because criminals harasing hard working people and people that want to live thier lives without committing crimes, will make people, unhappy with democracy, will make people to support un-democratic, dark, dangerous politicians and political parties, that will put the country in much more dangerous situations…. …..read here att the end of this page, about how to in a best way fight crime and criminals and even use tecknology to remove criminals from your streets. democracy 2018 -------------------- **HOW DOES THIS ORGANIZATION BELIEVE REFUGEE MATTERS SHOULD BE HANDLED? This organization believes refugee matters must be handled based on what people of country want. There are limits how many refugees a country can handle and take care. In Sweden maybe 5 to 10 tusends refugees each year are possible to take care without problem. If more refugees than that come to Sweden, they sould recieve short time permission to stay each 3 years with possibility to work, it could be renewed each 3 years, but they should try all the time to seek asylum somewhere else. Too many refugees that people do not want and the country can not handle, will make people unhappy with democracy and will endanger democracy. And there should be refrendum that decides lf people want more refugees or not.  2018 -------------------- THIS IS HOW TO STOP NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLES FREEDOM IN THE COUNTRY: BY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE, COURT AND JUDGES..? There should be democratic committee, court and judges in the country Their main job is to protect democracy in the country. They should have control of army, police and security services in the country to stop non democratic people and organizations from overthrowing democracy in the country to stop non democratic people and politicians based on what they have said and done that could endanger democracy and peoples freedom in the country. Members of These organisations should be either elected by people or should be from ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES. 2018 -------------------- **IT SHOULD ONLY BE ALLOWED TO WORK AS POLITICIAN IF.. It should only be allowed to work as politician in a democratic country, if you get permission from court (a court that handle democratic issues in the country, a court to protect democracy, this courts judges and members should either be elected by people in general election or be from ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES) to work as politician, this when you promise and sign the paper to the court, that you respect and work for democratic values in the country, and if you not and if court believes you violate democratic values and endanger democracy in the country, the court could withdraw your permission to work as politician. MIKE SADEGHI 2018-11-18
                             MORE ARTWORKS AND MY BUSINESS WEBSITE AT: www.f49-teckno768.se 
who can work as politicians as described below. People who are humble, who believe in democracy, who worked for democracy and human rights who are honest and trustworthy.. for democratic countries to gather together to stablish democratic laws that will stop non-democratic forces to act and exist in these countries to decide which people to qualify to act as politicians in these countries. this after a referendum when people of country decide if they want to live in a long lasting democratic system. (This organization is going to work for this: representatives of these democratic countries(like Uk, Canada, Sweden, America, France, Germany etc) should monitor each other and allow only people and organizations that are democratic should work in these countries). 2018 -------------------- ONE STEP FOR SECURITY TWO STEPS FOR DEMOCRACY. It Really feels wrong  like when right-wing POLITICIANS LIKE for example, in the US, talk about security and law and order, it's really false. Undemocratic forces that are not really honest are waiting for the opportunity to seize power and they use crime to show how weak they are when it comes to how important democracy is for our countries, our peoples freedom. What is important for the right- wing politicians is money and they are waiting for the opportunity, for example, increased crime to get more power and money. Undemocratic thinking is worse than the worst crime and it leads to democracy being endangered and at risk of being overthrown. For example, what we see in Trump and the United States now. If you are honest, do not think too much about money and power, and think about the freedom of the people is more important than anything else, then you should think so ONE STEP FOR SECURITY AND TWO STEPS TO STRENGTHEN DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLE'S FREEDOM. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 2020 18th October. -------------------- DO NOT BUY IT WHEN NON-DEMOCRATIC IMMORAL PEOPLE AND POLITICIANS WITH NO VALUES OR DARK VALUES ARGUE, they will soon by their sick thinking and sick values bring to you darkness , hard to go through like wars......2018 -------------------- WHY NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY WANT SHOOTINGS, KILLINGS, LOOTINGS, BURNINGS, DESTROINGS BUILDINGS ETC TO HAPPEN IN THE COUNTRY? Because it gives them power to overthrow democracy and people`s freedom in the country and to become dictators. They may even be behind these somehow they can in different ways. WHY NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY WANT TO CREATE CHAOS IN THE COUNTRY? Because it gives them power to overthrow democracy and people`s freedom in the country and to become dictators. They may even be behind it somehow they can in different ways. 2018 -------------------- THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW IF YOU RUN A BUSINESS IN AME.. The government itself is like a giant business partner to you and your business. This giant business partner should deliver you services that make it possible for your business to do it well och grow. The better services government offers you, the better your business will do. This giant business partner may costs you some, in the form of taxes and regulations, but these taxes and regulations give you what you need to run your business without trouble. For example the government builds roads and infrastrukture to make it easy for you to run your business. Without roads and infrastrukture, how could you deliver your services and goods and how your custommers could come to you..? You may have to together with other businesses at the near area build roads and infrastructure by your own money, which is almost impossible. You have to ask yourself this when you vote in elections that affect you and your business A well-run (politically, economiclly and at any other aspects well-run) government is what you need for your business to do it well. A government that promises you lower taxes, may be unable to deliver you the services you need may 2020 Mike Sadeghi July 9th 2018 --------------------   -------------------- SECURITY SERVICES SUCH AS CIA OR SÄPO (SWEDEN) and others from democratic countries are needed as long as they follow democratic and human right values if they do not, then they lose their weapons by saying we only chase bad people and criminals. Then they themselves are considered bad and criminal. So under TRUMP it's dangerous close that they lose their legitimacy because he has not so high moral values. Security services in non- democratic countries they bring darkness over the world  2018 -------------------- EU AND USA SHOULD MEET PROBLEM WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA THIS WAY , they should talk with Russia and China that Russia and China better choose friendship and choose to work with democratic countires for what is best for everybody and give Russia and China 6 months for this. Then if Russia and China choose the wrong way, EU and USA should make a list of all the products and companies from these two countries, and make 20 lists of sanction lists , each list of sanction lists should have some of these products and companies that EU and USA should put an embargo on this way : sanction list number 1 should be imposed after 6 months and EU and USA should after that talk to RUSSIA and CHINA if they change themselves and choose to do what is right then these sanctions should be lifted but if Russia and China continue the wrong way then sanction list number 2 should be imposed on them and so on, and each sanction list should be imposed after 6 months untill these two countries choose the way of friendship. I WILL SUGGEST THIS WAY HOPPFULLY SOON WHEN I BECOME POLITICIAN IN EU PARLAMENT. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 2018 -------------------- TO RECIEVE SUPPORT FROM A LOT OF PEOPLE, IT DOSEN T MEAN YOU ARE RIGHT, Hitler had his support from millions of german people. People could be wrong, uneducated people they are unable to see what is right and wrong. To see through politicans who are not honest. Politician that are there to manipulate them. Politicians that have sold themselves and their values. To see through politicians that easily would sell the country for some money. 2018   -------------------- ***HOW TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLE`S FREEDOM IN YOUR COUNTRY? THER ARE TWO WAYS TO DO THAT! 1: To make your country to become member of this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES) this through a refrendum there people of country decide if they want thier country to become a member. Representetives of democratic member countries will monitor each other and allow only people and organizations that have democratic values to work with politics and be politically active in member countries. 2: A COURT there it members (democratic educated judges that are not politically belong to a political party or organization ) maybe 30 members, should be elected by people in a general election should decide which people or organizations should be allowed to be politically active or work with politic if they show that they have democratic values. This court should have control over Army, Police and security services in the country. 2020 10th semptemer Mikael Mike Sadeghi***2018 -------------------- Should we trust the politicians that at any moment selling themselves and their values for some money from no-democratic forces from inside and outside of your country or should we trust: ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES that monitors democracy and politicians in member countries and preserve democracy in these countries, and stop your enemies from overthrowing democracy and your freedom in your country ------ 2018 -------------------- EU COURT. THERE SHOULD BE AN EU DEMOCRATIC COURT. THAT IT`S MEMBERS (JUDGES THAT ARE EDUCATED IN DEMOCRATIC ISSUES- NON POLITICAL JUDGES). ARE ELECTED BY PEOPLE A court that shoud decide what democratic rules each of EU member countries should follow and abide by, a court that could fine and punish EU member countries that do not follow it`s(the court`s) orders. I say the court should fine at least 1 billion EURO each order that could affect how much EU should pay to these countries, even possibility to bring a crime charge against politicians who are not following democratic rules and values. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI OKT 2020 -------------------- NON DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS THEY PROBABLY HAVE ALREADY SOLD THEMSELVES AND COUNTRY to forgien leaders that have paid and chosen them because they are smart politicans with a lot of power to overthrow democracy and hand over country to them 2018   --------------------   if democratic countries leave countries like Afganistan, Syria etc. And let countries like Russia and China get more power over these countries, these countries (Russia and China) have no democratic and human rights values, they make the lives of people of countries they have control over very very hard, they want only to make as much money as possible from these other countries and they use it and thier power against America in the future because they(Russia and China) do not like America. Therefore America together with this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES) and other democratic countries and NATO must come to help these countries and their people before it is too late and to help them to become stable and strong democratic countries. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 2020 2th oktober   -------------------- ALLOWING A NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN IN THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY IS SIMILAR .. To allowing in an IS terrorist into the country and allowing in Ebola too, it brings to you war, fire and disaster. 2018 -------------------- TO SEE WHICH POLITICIAN HAS SOLD HIMSELF/HERSELF AND HIS/HER VALUES AND HIS HER COUNTRY FOR SOME MONEY..?Look into what dosen`t add upp? Look into what they have said and done before and what they say and do now. Look into if they still have thier american values. Look into if they still have democratic och human right values. If not they probably have sold these values for money probably lots of money. It is not difficult to understand. MIKAEL SADEGHI 2017 --------------------- USA, EU, GERMANY, UK, FRANCE, CANADA, JAPAN ALL DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES BETTER  TO INVEST 1% AND UP TO 5% GDP EACH YEAR in developing countries to build manufacturing factories to produce and manufacture goods for AMERICA, EU, and other countries around the world, but they should require that these countries to strengthen democracy based on philosophies from this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES). These factories should be owned by investing countries, but the profit should be shared 50/50 between investing countries and countries that these factories are suposed to be build in.   -------------------- A PRESIDENT WHO ENDANGERS DEMOCRACY IN THE COUNTRTY, HE/SHE MUST BE IMPEACHED. A president who endagers democracy in the country, he/she puts the people`s lives in danger, puts the country in danger and puts the people`s freedom in danger. 2018   -------------------- IT IS LIKE THIS FOR SURE IF YOU ARE DICTATOR OR SUPPORT DICTATORSHIP. If you are dictator or support dictatorship, you will give many people very hard suffering and hard lives. But there is a but, god will give you similar suffering and hard life that you give others that makes it not worth it to be dictator or support dictatorship. Support instead democracy and "ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES". 2018   -------------------- THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO MISS READ IT ALL:   TO PUT HANDCUFFS ON THE HANDS OF (SATAN, DEVIL=BAD IDEAS; NON DEMOCRATIC IDEAS, THOUGHTS, IDEOLOGIES THAT BRING DISASTER TO EVERYBODY) READ ABOUT IT HERE: CORONAVIRUS=WWII (NOTE THESE ARE NOT FACTS ONLY MY PHILOSOPHIES, YOU MAY AGREE OR DISAGREE BUT IT IS WORTH TO HAVE DEEPINING THOUGHTS ABOUT): After second world war people believed it is important to have values, democratic values, human values, but it is not the same now, people think most about themselves, do not care about others, people sitting in jail suffering a lot from torture and a lot of pain, we need to get back our values to save the world and human being from disasters SUPPORT THIS ORGANIZATION .... TO GET RID OF CORONAVIRUS.?(NOTE THESE ARE NOT FACTS ONLY MY PHILOSOPHIES, YOU MAY AGREE OR DISAGREE BUT IT IS WORTH TO HAVE DEEPINING THOUGHTS ABOUT): IF PEOPLE GET WISE AND SUPPORT THIS ORGANIZATION AND ITS PHILOSOPHIES ABOUT DEMOCRACY, CORONAVIRUS AND ALL DISASTER WILL DISSAPEAR FROM US? YOU NEED A STABLE AND STRONG DEMOCRACY as described down here that stand against dangers and is hard against criminals and (non democratic people and organizations from inside and outside your country) for democracy to survive.. IT IS EASY FOR non democratic people and organizations from inside and outside your country, to create chaos in your democratic country to overthrow democracy in your country, therefore...? YOU HAVE GOT TO PROTECT your country against non-democratic people, organizations like you protect the country and people against ebola and contagious disease. because most people do not understand the danger behind when non democratic people and organizations argue the danger of war , fire and disaster they bring to people. read about it here:PROTECT DEMOCRACY LIKE YOU PROTECT your life, your property, everything you own and your freedom. NO MATTER WHAT, you should allways vote for democratic people, organizations and political parties, this for your own best. TO STOP CHAOS THAT WILL LEAD TO DICTATORS TAKE OVER DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES, YOU MUST? Only allow political parties and organizations to demonstrate outside of cities, in a place they could gather for thier political demonstration, at the same time, you must make it harder to demonstrate inside cities like those who demonstrate must be punished by minimum 3 years in jail. WHEN THERE IS CHAOS IN THE COUNTRY, DEMOCRACY IS IN DANGER, PEOPLE WILL BE LOOKING FOR DICTATORS. Dictators and non-democratic people and organizations from inside and outside of country, want to create chaos in the country to overthrow peoples freedom and democracy in the country. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Freedom and democracy that will last for ever, or a bad guy shows up, creates chaos in the country and overthrows democracy and people`s freedom. Read about it here: YOUR FREEDOM IS IMPORTANT. DO NOT LET YOUR ENEMIES NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM. This could be future episode of star wars or...:either you want this or we are geting closer to world war iii because THEY (NON-DEMOCRATIC FORCES) USE DEMOCRACY TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM, TAKE THEM OUT IN A LEGAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY (BY SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES) BEFORE THEY TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM AND BRING TO YOU WAR, FIRE AND DISASTER READ ABOUT IT HERE: either you want this or we are geting closer to world war iii because disshonest political leaders that sell themselves for some money to non-democratic forces from inside and outside of country. this organization can issue order of arrest to take in custody politicians and members of other organizations that pose a danger to democratic system in the country. who is criminal: a terrorist is a criminal (has no moral). a racist is a criminal the same as a terrorist (has no moral) a nazist is a criminal (has no moral) and so on: 25 years in jail for each of these crimes: nazist-crimes; rasist-crimes terorroist-crimes orgnized-crimes: organization democratic values in between countries. who can work as politicians as described below. people who are humble, who believe in democracy, who worked for democracy and human rights who are honest and trustworthy. . for democratic countries to gather together to stablishdemocratic laws that will stop non-democratic forces to act and exist in these countries to decide which people to qualify to act as politicians in these countries. this after a refrendum when people of country decide if they want to live in a long lasting democratic system. (this organization is going to work for this: representetives of these democratic countries should monitor each other and allow only people and organizations that are democratic should work in these countries THIS ORGANIZATION WORKS FOR..? This organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES)is meant to protect democracy and people`s freedom in the country , it is suposed to work like this THIS ORGANIZATION in your country, after a refrendum when people of country is suposed to decide if they want this organization to be the deciding organ in the country for democracy issues(if people vote yes) it will look at which people, organizations and political parties are serious when they say they will follow democracy and democratic values in the country, and will give them permission to work in the country(this organization or committee or court is deciding organ for allowing only politicians, organizations or poltical parties which have democratic values to work in the country ), and countinues monitoring them to see if they countinue to follow these democratic values or not based on what they say and do, then this organization (or committee or court) has right to stop them from working politicaly in the country if they do not follow these values. This will gurantee that democracy will work in the country and there will not exist any danger for people`s freedom in the country, because representetives of these democratic member countries(of this organization from for example CANADA, SWEDEN, ENGLAND, AMERICA etc) will monitor each other and will only allow democratic people and organizations and parties to work in the country. Please read more about it down here: THIS IS HOW TO STOP (NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY) TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLE`S FREEDOM IN THE COUNTRY: There should be a committee and a court in the country to handle democracy issues. Their main job is to protect democracy in the country and to stop non democratic activities and indict non democractic people based on what they have said and done that could endanger democracy and peoples freedom in the country. Democracy would survive for all future in the country if this committee and court have controll of army, polis and security services in the country to stop non democratic people and organizations from overthrowing democracy in the country- Members of this committee and court should be either elected by people or should be from ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES. MIKE SADEGHI 2016     -------------------- MAYBE SOME KIND OF: Maybe some kind of Jesus maybe not, Have a look at what is written below here to see if supporting this organization is good idea or not....this is my poetry....... Jesus may like these ideas you never know...  .YOUR FREEDOM IS IMPORTANT? DO NOT LET YOUR ENEMIES NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF YOUR COUNTRY TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM? This could be future episode of star wars or...:either you want this or we are getting closer to world war iii because THEY (NON-DEMOCRATIC FORCES) USE DEMOCRACY TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM, TAKE THEM OUT IN A LEGAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY (BY SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES) BEFORE THEY TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM AND BRING TO YOU WAR, FIRE AND DISASTER READ ABOUT IT HERE: either you want this or we are getting closer to world war iii because dishonest political leaders that sell themselves for some money to non-democratic forces from inside and outside of country. this organization can issue order of arrest to take in custody politicians and members of other organizations that pose a danger to democratic system in the country. who is criminal: a terrorist is a criminal (has no moral). a racist is a criminal the same as a terrorist (has no moral) a nazist is a criminal (has no moral) and so on: 25 years in jail for each of these crimes: Nazis-crimes; resist-crimes terrorist-crimes organized-crimes: organization democratic values in between countries. who can work as politicians as described below. people who are humble, who believe in democracy, who worked for democracy and human rights who are honest and trustworthy. . for democratic countries to gather together to stablish democratic laws that will stop non-democratic forces to act and exist in these countries to decide which people to qualify to act as politicians in these countries. this after a referendum when people of country decide if they want to live in a long lasting democratic system. (this organization is going to work for this: representatives of these democratic countries should monitor each other and allow only people and organizations that are democratic should work in these countries. 2018 --------------------   Attacking serious media that guarantee people s freedom that democracy is working, serious media like CNN, they stop corrupt politicians who the only thing in their mind is money not what is best for country, who always looking for ways to overthrow democracy and people s freedom, who are afraid of going to jail. A democratic person who is clean and hasn t done anything wrong, he/she needs not be afraid of media and call them fake news. 2018 ----------------------------------   CALLING SERIOUS MEDIA "FAKE NEWS" IS THE SAME AS.. Calling serious media that gurantee democracy is working for "fake news" is the same as endangering democracy and peoples freedom in the country. A COURT SHOULD WARN THESE POLITICIANS IF THEY COUNTINUE THIS, THE COURT WILL WITHTROW THEIR PERMISSION TO WORK AS POLITICIANS. 2018 -------------------------------------- HOW SOVIET UNION AND KGB USED TO DO TO TAKE OVER ANOTHER COUNTRY... By paying lots of money to political leaders and key officials working in key positions throughout country to slowly put in positions people working for them to slowly and systematicly change the countries entire gouverning system to SOVIET and KGB controlled one. In Iran there was a political party (soviet friendly communist party) that worked all the time, non stop to make Iran part of Soviet union during the time after second world war, usally this way, party members who were communists, pretending they liked the shahen of Iran(without saying they are communists) , trying taking over government from within by placing thier members and friends of soviet union at key positions in political system of Iran. ---------------------------- YOU (ALL OF YOU POLITICIANS WITH DEMOCRATIC VALUES), you must protect democracy, don`t be stupid, be wise, it is serious, it is dangerous, you must take it serious to protect democracy, it is about people`s freedom, it is about war, fire and disaster if you don`t take actions to legislate to protect democracy! 2018 MIKE SADEGHI ---------------------------------------------- COULD EPSTIEN HAD BEEN HIRED BY A FORIEGN COUNTRYS SECRET SERVICE AS A SPY TO KEEP COMPANY WITH FAMOUS PEOPLE AND POLITICIANS TO FRAME..? Them and secrately record sexsual acts with underage girls and to provide these recordings to the country he was spying for. It could give them tools they needed to control these politicians the question is why he got away this easy first time he was indicted who was responsible for that. That is because every democratic country need this organization ( ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES) to watch over them and to stop in time politicians that could endanger democracy and people`s freedom in the country. ------------------------------------ TO BUY PRODUCTS FROM DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES WILL HELP TO STRENGTHEN DEMOCRACY AND GIVES JOBS AND HELPS BUSINESSES IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES. AND HELPS MANY OTHER COUNTRIES TO BECOME DEMOCRATIC. -------------------- ****A War Is A Disaster For Your Business..It Makes It Harder For Most Businesses To Do It Well. It Makes It Harder For Most People, To Buy Services And Goods That Most Businesses Offer Them. Democracy Is What You Need For Your Business To Do It Well And Grow. DO NOT SUPPORT NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS. BECAUSE THEY BRING YOU WAR, FIRE AND DISASTER. SUPPORT DEMOCRACY INSTEAD. SUPPORT"ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES -------------------- WHAT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS TREASON TO COMMIT BY A PRESIDENT?= TRYING TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY,,,TREASON---POLITICIANS IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES MUST LEGISTLATE THIS TO STOP DEMOCRACY TO BE OVERTHROWN....TO TRY TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY IS THE MOST DANGEROUS TREASON TO COMMIT BY A PRESIDENT OR POLITICIAN AND MUST BE PUNISHED BY LIFE IN PRISON SENTENCE... -------------------- REPUBLICANS WHO SAY THEY BELIEVE IN WHAT IS BEST ECONOMY PLAN FOR BUSINESS OWNERS, EVERYBODY AND EVEN THE COUNTRY... No matter what you call it, a socialist agenda or anything else, you have to look at the economy of these countries GERMANY, NORWAY, SWEDEN, DENMARK.... that works very well for everybody, specially for business owners , because when ordinary people have good economy then they can buy products and services from businesses,. When they don`t, it means they can not buy, and that means it is not good for business owners and country. When a lot of people have bad economy then it damge economy a lot. Republican economy plan has shown all the time, it does not work and it is disaster plan that increases the national debt all the time. Some of the greatest business owners and companies in the world, come from these countries. IKEA, H&M, INGVAR KAMPRAD; STEFAN PERSON, BMW, MERCEDES BENZ etc. You can only feel healthy when you feel healthy in every part of your body, if you have pain somewhere in your body, then you can not feel healthy at all. Your economy plan should work for everybody in the country, if not that will not work at all. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI-----2020 ------- IN SUCH A DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM, BAD PEOPLE, BAD POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES, WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BRING DANGER AND DISASTER TO YOU...... YOU SHOULD NOT ALLOW, NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES COME TO POWER, HOW? HERE YOU COULD READ MY PHILOSOPHIES ABOUT HOW.. SOME OF THEM HERE: ENDANGERING DEMOCRACY.... POLITICIANS IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES MUST LEGISTLATE .....that endangering democracy is serious crime to commit and politicians (NOTE ONLY POLITICIANS NOT ORDINARY PEOPLE) who endanger democracy must be punished by several years in prision and losing thier licence to work as politician by a democratic court(a court that its job is to protect democracy that it members are either elected by people or are from this organization-ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES). There should be examples for what to say or do will endanger democracy, for example calling serious media that gurantee democracy is working for fake news, is the same as endangering democracy. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI THIS IS HOW TO STOP NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY TO OVERTHROW DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLES FREEDOM IN THE COUNTRY: BY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE, COURT AND JUDGES..? There should be democratic committee, court and judges in the country Thier main job is to protect democracy in the country. They should have controll of army, police and security services in the country to stop non democratic people and organizations from overthrowing democracy in the country. Members of These organs should be either elected by people or should be from ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES. **IT SHOULD ONLY BE ALLOWED TO WORK AS POLITICIAN IF.. It should only be allowed to work as politician in a democratic country, if you get permission from court (a court that handle democratic issues in the country, a court to protect democray, this courts members and judges should be either elected by people in general election or be from this organization ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES) to work as politician, this when you promise and sign the paper to the court, that you respect and work for democratic values in the country, and if you not and if court believes you violate democratic values and endanger democracy in the country, the court could withdraw your permission to work as politician. MIKE SADEGHI 2018-11-18 ***DO NOT LET YOUR ENEMIES, NON DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE, POLITICIANS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE YOUR COUNTRY TO TAKE OVER YOUR COUNTRY AND TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM. THIS IS HOW TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLE`S FREEDOM IN YOUR COUNTRY? THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO DO THAT! 1: To make your country to become member of this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES IN BETWEEN COUNTRIES) this through a refrendum there people of country decide if they want thier country to become a member. Representetives of democratic member countries will monitor each other and allow only people and organizations that have democratic values to work with politics and be politically active in member countries. 2: A COURT there it members (democratic educated judges that are not politically belong to a political party or organization ) maybe 30 members, should be elected by people in a general election should decide which people or organizations should be allowed to be politically active or work with politic if they show that they have democratic values. This court should have control over Army, Police and security services in the country. A NON DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN TO RUN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY= A LIFEGUARD WHO CAN NOT SWIM TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO SAVE PEOPLE WHO CANNOT SWIM A person who wants to be politician, it should require that him/her to have democratic values, human rights values and work for these values. A politician who has not democratic values, he/she will endanger people`s lives and put the country in danger like a lifeguard who can not swim. Mikael Mike Sadeghi IT IS SIMPLE, DO YOU WANT A CROOK, CON AND CRIMINAL PERSON TO BE ALLOWED TO WORK AS POLITICIAN, A PERSON WHO ONLY THING IN HIS/HER MIND IS MONEY AND DOSENT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT COUNTRY AND PEOPLE OF COUNTRY ? the answer is this instead to stop these people to become politicians! without endangering democracy in a wise way, the only way to do that is through this organization (organization democratic values in between countries). -------------- COURT DEMOCRACY... MY PHILOSOPHIES ON THE MOST STABLE DEMOCRACY THAT CANNOT BE OVERTHROWN = COURT DEMOCRACY, such a democratic system stops undemocratic, dangerous and criminal politicians and political parties from coming to power at all and stops them from overthrowing democracy and having the opportunity to bring to others dangers, fire and disasters, these undemocratic forces are usually controlled from the security services of some undemocratic countries and usually by creating chaos in a democratic country, by unrest by creating problems in the country in various ways that make people dissatisfied with democracy by that they try to get enough support to take over your democratic country and then overthrow democracy and bring to you war, fire, and disasters.....Every democratic country must have a democratic court (a court to protect democracy as its members i.e. 30 trained lawyers in democratic matters who do not belong politically to a political party and they are elected in free elections every four years by the people) and their job is to prevent democracy from being overthrown . A court side by side democratic parliament, and elected political representatives and also side by side with this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES) THIS ORGANIZATION (NOTE: ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE CITIZENS OF YOUR COUNTRY WITH DEMOCRATIC VALUES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THIS ORGANIZATION) TOGETHER WITH THIS COURT SHOULD HAVE CONTROL OVER THE MILITARY FORCES, POLICE AND SECURITY SERVICES AND THROUGH THAT GUARANTEE A STABLE DEMOCRACY IN EVERY COUNTRY. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 2022-12-02 MAY 2020 --------------------------- My thoughts on ISLAM: I believe many parts of Islam are based on what the Prophet Mohammad said and did 1500 years ago. But I believe he had to compromise a lot with the traditions that existed at that time. You live in a time with tradions that exist. If he had lived today, he would certainly believed democracy, human rights and women's rights to be important as they are in the West and present time. I think Muslim leaders in Iran and other Islamic countries must come up with a new modern version of Islam that is adapted to the 21st century and today's values in democratic countries. Mike Sadeghi 2017-01-09 --------------------   --------------------------- IRAN.... THIS ORGANIZATION BELIEVES in friendship between IRAN and AMERICA and other democratic countries would be best for everybody. MY IDEA ABOUT HOW IRAN SHOULD BE...Iranian people have strong love in thier hearts to god and are muslims... But Islam has nothing against democracy. I belive it is very well possible to combine to be a decent muslim with decent values and at the same time to believe in democracy and democratic values. I believe muslim leaders should come up with new modern values and interpretation of Islam for this modern time we are living and values that educated wise people have created in democratic countries...in democratic countries you are free to be muslim and can explain yourself about islam and your believe in islam peacefully and as friend of other democratic people... MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI ------------------- ------------------------- Democracy protected by laws. If democracy is not protected by laws it may does not survive long period of time. There should only be allowed to register a political parti if that political parti accepts and follows UNs definition of democracy and follows general laws in the country that is for to protect the democracy and human rights. No politicians should say or do something in the country that is against democratic values and laws(by defination) if he or she does so it should be punishable. 2018 ----------------------- THIS AS MOST IMPORTANT IN EVERY COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD TO AVOID DISASTERS, PEOPLE SHOULD GIVE POWER TO (VOTE FOR) POLITICIANS WHO WANT TO STRENGTHEN DEMOCRACY AND PEOPLES FREEDOM to legislate to make democracy strong and stable enough, that un-democratic, dark politicians and forces, will not be able to endanger democracy and try to overthrow democracy THIS AS MOST IMPORTANT IN EVERY COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD TO AVOID DISASTERS, WARS AND BRING PEACE EVERYWHERE...    --------------------- 2017 THEY (NON DEMOCRATIC FORCES) USE DEMOCRACY TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM, TAKE THEM OUT IN A LEGAL AND DEMOCRATIC WAY (BY SUPPORTING ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES) BEFORE THEY TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM AND BRING TO YOU WAR, FIRE AND DISASTER READ ABOUT IT HERE: this could be from future episode of star wars or…??? either you want this or we are geting closer to world war iii because dissounest polotical leaders that sell themself for some money to non democratic forces from inside and outside country. this organization can issue order of arrest to take in costidy politicians and members of other organizations that pose a danger to democratic system in the country. who is criminell: a terrorist is a criminell (has no moral). a racist is a criminell the same as terrorist (has no moral) a nazist is a criminell (has no moral) and so on: 25 years in jail for each of these crimes: nazist crimes; rasist crimes terorroist crimes orgnized crimes: get rid of them all legaly read here about it nazists (all of them), (rasist tell the to shut up legaly put them in the jail all of them) (criminals all of them): organization democratic values in between countries. who can work as politicians as described below. people who are humble, who believe in democracy, who worked for democracy and human rights who are honest and trustworthy. . MAY 2020 ------------------------- There is no black and white. Everybody is individual. A black person could be as beautiful and perfect as BYONCE,or it could feel like to be black is like to have some kind of handikapp. A white person could be like ELVIS or other white people could have some kind of handikapp like DOWN SYNDROM or other kind of handikapp there is no black and white. 2018 -------------------- -------------------- IF YOU ARE TRUE MUSLIM YOU WANT THIS.. A true muslim believes in democracy and democratic values, and does not believe in dictatorship. Because in dictatorship, it is a great danger that people will be treated wrongly, as it is forbiden in islam.  A true muslim supports "ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES".. 2018   ------------------------------- TERROR ATTACK TODAY 29TH OCTOBER 2020 IN FRANCE. THE ONLY MEDICIN against this is to strengten democracy not allowing non democratic people and organizations from any side, from right wing and left wing and religious non democratic people to take control over your country and peoples lives. Because the other side of this is more dangerous and more disastrous like Hitler. They are waiting for these things to happen to overthrow democracy. The only way and medicin is to support this organizationd philosophies about how a democratic system you should have in you country to let these terror attacks get to nowhere. Support ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES. VIVA FRANCE.   --------------------   WHY NOT HAVING ENOUGH DEMOCRATIC VALUES ARE AS DUMB AND DANGEROUS AND DISASTROUS AS ACTIONS FROM THESE TERRORISTS FROM TODAY IN FRAMCE, because it puts democracy, your freedom and your country in danger and gives non democratic politicians and organizations and people like Hitler power to overthrow democracy and your freedom and bring disaster to you. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 29th october 2020 ------------- MIKAEL SADEGHI SOME KIND OF JESUS ARTWORK ....…... I call myself some kind of Jesus because I do a lot of philosophies, but I do not claim to be Jesus, just some kind of. ............................................philosopher... BUT YOU NEVER KNOW, MAYBE MY PHILOSOPHIES WILL BE ACCEPTED BY MOST OF THE PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD, IN THAT CASE IT WILL SHOW THAT I AM A ………..PHILOSOPHER OR.............................imagine Jesus comes back and works as artist as painter, that artwork he paints in the morning, he will easily be able to sell at the evening for 2 billion american dollars or more) my philosophies at my Facebook Mikael Sadeghi my business webbsite everything you buy from me 10% to 50% after taxes and expenses will go to support these ideas around the world...
THIS ARTWORK THAT I HAVE PAINTED, CALLED (EXTREME BEAUTY THE GIRL FROM SEA)  , 50X50CM(OR 60X90CM OR 70X90CM) , CANVAS ACRYL MORE ABOUT IT: YOU COULD BID THE PRICE YOU WANT FOR THEM, I WILL PAINT THE SAME (NOTE: ALMOST THE SAME) FOR YOU. I WANT TO KEEP THE ORIGINAL ONE FOR MYSELF.... SEND YOUR BID WITH NAME AND ADRESS TO:EMAIL: TECKNO768@HOTMAIL.COM  PAYMENT IN ADVANCE: PAYMENT TO THIS ACCOUNT NUMBER  588-6379 IN THE BANK OF SEB IN SWEDEN. YOU WILL RECIEVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HOW TO PAY BY EMAIL. IF YOU COULD PAY FROM WITHIN SWEDEN WOULD BE BEST...EVERYTHING YOU BUY FROM ME, 10% TO 50% AFTER TAXES AND EXPENSES WILL GO ON TO SUPPORT THESE IDEAS AROUND THE WORLD....I ------------ THIS FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM FROM ME is not socialism, is not capitalism,  it is a court system, it is a democratic and economic court system it is a healthy economic system in your country....BUT YOU SHOULD FIRST HAVE A STABLE STRONG DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM EXPLAINED FURTHER DOWN HERE AFTER THIS:THIS FINANCIAL SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY FROM ME: 1: COMPANIES AND business owners that earn more than 250 thuasends USD (EURO) each year (as of today 2024 this could be change in the future as of inflation in the country) should pay max 50% taxes not more not less. 2: YOU SHOULD HAVE 25% VAT (value added taxes ) on goods and services in your country it gives the government in your country enough economic power to run your country healthy economicly without danger of bigger defecit in the government finances.3: YOU SHOULD HAVE CITIZEN PAY for citizens of your country, as of today (2024) better be 1500 EURO(USD) a month, it secures income for citizens of your country that are unemployed, it gives them good financial situation to buy goods and services that business owners offer them, it is good for business owners and it is good for economy in the country, and it reduces largely the amount of crime the committs in the country.4: PEOPLE THAT HAVE JOBS AND CAN WORK should allways have good economic situation, usually (note only usually) they better not to borrow huge amont of money that put them in difficult economic situation for long time, they should usally live only on their income without debts to pay bowrroed money instaed  of using their money to shop goods and services from business owners. Their wages must raise each year based on inflation rates that them allways should have good economic situation. It is important for economy in the country (people allways have good economic situation). MORE TO COME SOON HERE....1: IN DIFFICULT ECONOMIC TIMES, it is better to raise VAT rates, raise fees and taxes temporarily a little at a time from at least 1% and up to a maximum of 10% as said temporarily one year at a time, until the economy is balanced, then normal tax rates should apply. 2: GOVERNMENT SHOULD HAVE OWN PRODUCTION OF FOOD, ENERGY, AND MEDICINE to counter inflation, this economic system is much better than raising interest rates (from my May 2020 philosophy)…12-01-2024WHY THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO HAVE ITS OWN PRODUCTION OF FOOD, ENERGY AND MEDICINE? because the government should guarantee the supply of these things to the people of country. It shouldn`t compete with private production of these this way. A court should decide the minimum price of these products that both govenment and private sector should follow, these minimum prices should gurantee profit after expenses for both government and private sector for producing these products. It is not socialistic economy it is wise economy, even if some rich people do not care people are suffering, many small besinesses can not pay high energy prices and are going under and these rich selfish people can not stand this idea and accuse the idea to be socialism.....MIKAEL SADEGHI MAY 2020IN SUCH A DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM, BAD PEOPLE, BAD POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES, WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BRING DANGER AND DISASTER TO YOU...... - -------------- YOU AND FREEDOM. THERE IS A LOT OF FIRE AND HELL BETWEEN YOU AND FREEDOM IF YOU COMMIT SERIOUS WRONG-DOING OR SERIOUS CRIMES. , BETWEEN YOU (EVERYBODY), SUPPORTING democracy, honestly supporting this democratic system in your country and many other country around the world, is your key to freedom for ev....this democratic system explained here on facebook and my website HERE: ---------- JESUS SOLDIERS= EDUCATED WISE HONEST PEOPLE WITH VALUES AND KNOWLADGE, values of democracy, knowladge of democracy, knowladge of what kind of democracy people should have around the world. A stable strong democracy that can not be overthrown. JESUS AND DEMOCRACY... Democracy, human rights, women rights, freedom of speech, taking care of environment, science and everything we see educated wise people want to be part of democracy is actually what Jesus wanted. So people that say they are religious but want to take back time they actually do not understand Jesus.... IN SUCH A DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM, BAD PEOPLE, BAD POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES, WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BRING DANGER AND DISASTER TO YOU...... YOU SHOULD NOT ALLOW, NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL PARTIES COME TO POWER, HOW? HERE YOU COULD READ MY PHILOSOPHIES ABOUT HOW.. SOME OF THEM HERE MY AT WEBSITE. ------------ JESUS AND ABORTION AND DEMOCRACY... RIGHT-WING POLITICIANS THEY USE ABORTION TO GET SUPPORT FOR THEIR WRONG POLITICAL AGENDA, For Jesus democracy around the world is much more important than aborton. women geting abortion because many different reasons that are accepted from both god and Jesus. For example It could be dangerous for them to give birth to a child, or they may not be able to take care of the child because of many different reasons..... JESUS AND DEMOCRACY... Democracy, human rights, women rights, freedom of speech, taking care of environment, science and everything we see educated wise people want to be part of democracy is actually what Jesus wanted. So people that say they are religious but want to take back time they actually do not understand Jesus.... ABORTION AN EXAMPLE... A WOMAN IS PREGNANT but she kan not give birth to child and has no choice rather than to do abortion, because this woman has backpain, no husband no possibility to work to take care a child, a child that has not been born has no suffering ahead of his or herself but that woman will not be able to take care of the child and will be facing a hard life if she gives bith to that chid. In the eyes of Jesus and god it is ok for this woman to do abortion. 2021 Jesus is much closer to POLITICIANS WHO HAVE DEMOCRATIC VALUES than politicians that have no values left that have sold themselves, their democratic values and Jesus for some (probably a lot of money,....... ----------- YOU AS A POLITICIAN WHO HAS DEMOCRATIC VALUES SHOULD: 1: Bring in a democratic system in the country that is strong and stable enough that undemocratic forces will not have the opportunity to endanger democracy and people`s freedom. You can read about my unique ideas on this here down under. 2: You should have an economic program that both gives the people a stable economy and welfare and gives the government, through a strong tax system, sufficient income so that the country's economy will not get into budget deficit and large national debt. You can read about my economic ideas about it on one of my Facebook pages ""TALK ECONOMY MIKAEL SADEGHI"". 3: As a politician with democratic values it is very important to have a strong criminal policy that kills serious crimes and puts away serious criminals from society in the country. You can read about my ideas about this on my Facebook page ""PHILOSOPHIES FROM MIKAEL SADEGHI""". Here on Facebook you can read about the main arguments from me about a democratic system that if people choose to have such a democratic system in the country, then democracy in the country becomes very stable and strong, impossible for anyone to be able to put democracy in danger. It is important to have a stable, strong democracy in as many countries as possible around the world, it prevents tragedies, wars and disasters that are always brought to people by undemocratic forces if they take over your country....a democratic system is stable if it is combined with an economic system that gives the people stable economy and welfare and a criminal policy that kills all serious crimes in the country (my philosophies on how in a best way to kill serious crimes and remove professional criminals from society on my other facebook pages = PHILOSOPHIES FROM MIKAEL SADEGHI)....READ MORE ABOUT IT ON THIS FACEBOOK FROM ME HERE...... MY IDEAS ABOUT DEMOCRACY, ECONOMY, CRIMES ETC, ETC.... IN ENGLISH: www.dw-allaiance.se MY FACEBOOK PAGES: 1: MIKAEL SADEGHI 2: ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES 3: TALK ECONOMY MIKAEL SADEGHI (ABOUT ECONOMY) 4: MIKAEL SADEGHI PHILOSOPHIES (ABOUT CRIME) 5: SOME KIND OF JESUS 6: BUY PRODUCTS DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES BETWEEN 7: UNDEMOCRATIC FORCES DISASTERS OVER YOU IN SWEDISH: 1: FILOSOFIER FRÅN MIKAEL SADEGHI (OM KRIMINALITET) 2: MIKE SADEGHI POLITIKER & MIKE SADEGHI POLITICIAN 3: PRATA EKONOMI MIKAEL SADEGHI (OM EKONOMI) MY BUSINESS WEBSITE IN SWEDISH: www.f49-teckno768.se  ---------- ISLAM THIS WAY FROM ME, BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS BEFORE THAT..... IF YOU ARE TRUE MUSLIM YOU WANT THIS..A true muslim believes in democracy and democratic values, and does not believe in dictatorship. Because in dictatorship, it is a great danger that people will be treated wrongly, as it is forbidden in islam.  A true muslim supports "ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES"..2018 My thoughts on ISLAM:I believe many parts of Islam are based on what the Prophet Mohammad said and did 1500 years ago. But I believe he had to compromise a lot with the traditions that existed at that time. You live in a time with tradions that exist. If he had lived today, he would certainly believed democracy, human rights and women's rights to be important as they are in the West and present time. I think Muslim leaders in Iran and other Islamic countries must come up with a new modern version of Islam that is adapted to the 21st century and today's values in democratic countries.Mike Sadeghi 1/9/2019 TO PRAY 5 TIMES THE WAY MUSLIMS DO (NAMAZ), IS VERY BEAUTIFUL, if you could know the mening of your prayer, you could learn easily... IN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY YOU ARE FREE TO BE muslim,  jew, christian, hindu or whatever religion you believe in or even if you are not religious as long as you do not commit serious crimes.....and you are allways free to explain youself to others about your belief to save the people to a better life as you believe in it........ PROBLEM TO BE RELIGIOUS AND PROBLEM NOT TO BE RELIGIOUS..... 1: PROBLEM TO BE RELIGIOUS is many of today*s religions have been changed a lot (from the original ones that came to the people from people sent by god prophets) these religions have been changed by kings and emprors and religious leaders that they have changed them to the wrong, undemocratic, unhuman religions by the people because they needed to change them for their own wrong political or religious reasons, they have become wrong religions that make the world to go wrong sick ways if people follow them.....they bring war fire and disasters to the people and world..... 2: PROBLEM WITH NOT TO BE RELIGIOUS AND HAVE VALUES, you think you could do any wrong-doings like, hurt people, kill people, rape and steal, without being afraid of god.... YOU AND FREEDOM. THERE IS A LOT OF FIRE AND HELL BETWEEN YOU AND FREEDOM IF YOU COMMIT SERIOUS WRONG-DOING OR SERIOUS CRIMES. , BETWEEN YOU (EVERYBODY), SUPPORTING democracy, honestly supporting this democratic system in your country and many other country around the world, is your key to freedom for ev....this democratic system explained here on facebook and my website HERE: NOBODY IS PERFECT AS JESUS SAID: ""THE ONE WHO HAS NOT SINNED, SHOULD THROW THE STONE""SO THE MOST IMPORTANT IS TO HAVE THIS DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY, RESPECT EACH OTHER, DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES AND BELIEVE IN WHATEVER RELIGION YOU WANT..... THIS DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM EXPLAINED FURTHER UPP HERE AT MY WEBSITE. ---------- ALL UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS, POLITICAL PARTIES AND FORCES will eventually start war, fire, disasters and bring to you hell, because they have no democratic, moral values because they are dictators and they feel free to commit all wrong-doings like LOOT AND ROB you and your country of money and resurces, take away your freedom, take away free media, overthrow democracy, rape anyone they want, and if they get sick they usually do, they feel free to bring to you all the hell they can....like starting war, fire and disasters to people to enjoy it..... 6th january 2024 THIS DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY, ....it means no more problems from un-democratic, dangerous, dark politicians like PUTIN and HITLER and SADAM HUSSIEN for YOU AND PPEOPLE OF YOUR COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD........ 4/21/2024 ---------- DO NOT LET YOUR ENEMIES TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM in your country, when democracy is lost, and un-democratic forces have taken over your country, it is impossible to get back freedom you once had...... NON DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS THEY PROBABLY HAVE ALREADY SOLD THEMSELVES AND COUNTRY to forgien leaders that have paid and chosen them because they are smart politicans with a lot of power to overthrow democracy and hand over country to them TO VOTE FOR AN UN-DEMOCRATIC, IMMORAL AND DANGEROUS POLITICIAN AND POLITICAL PARTY TO RUN YOUR COUNTRY=TO PUT THE WORST OF WORST CRIMINALS TO RUN YOUR COUNTRY, these politicians and political parties, because they have no moral and democratic values, they feel free to l oot and rob your country of money and resurses, to rob your money, to commit criminal acts, to take away free media, to take away your freedom, to overthrow democracy and bring to you war, fire and disasters exactly like HITLER, SADAM HUSSIEN AND STALIN have done. Vote only for politicians that have democratic values for your own and your countries best.... 12 TH JUNE 2023 IF YOU COULD TRUST PUTIN, THEN YOU COULD TRUST UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS, you can never trust undemocratic, Immortal politicians, they are false, they lie to your face to come to power, then to overthrow democracy, look at what PUTIN has done to Russian people. Hundreds of thousands of Russian people killed and injured in war with Ukraine... 5/6/2024 ----------- PEOPLE BEING WISE IT MEANS NO MORE UNDEMOCRATIC, DARK DANGEROUS POLITICIANS like PUTIN, HITLER, SADAM HUSSIEN, that allways take away peoples freedom and bring to people war, fire and disasters, if they take over your country, you need a strong and stable democratic system explained further down here in your country to stop them....but first..... ------------ TODAY`S DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES does not work, security services from some undemocratic countries know how to very fast take control over political leaders and political parties in these countries and as a result of that, how to finally take over the country. This organization s ideas and philosophies (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES) will stop that to happen. HOW CAN YOU BE SURE THAT RUSSIAN AND CHINES SECURITY SERVICES ARE NOT ALREADY CONTROLING POLITICIANS IN YOUR COUNTRY? RUSSIAN AND CHINES SECURITY SERVICES, HOW THEY TAKE CONTROL OVER POLITICIANS, FAMOUS PEOPLE, KEY OFFICIALS AND IMPORTANT PEOPLE? here some examples: 1: SEX we say you are working as politician or in a TV channel. You are important and have key position in a political party, organization and a important company. They watch what you do and where you go usally everyday. You are in place you usally should be basicly for your work or busness. A beautiful young girl approach you a girl maybe 14 to 17 years orld(underage girl). She just ask you a question for example what time is it? she plans to meet you several more times during some days or weeks. (i will make it short) then she begin show you that she is intressted in you (she is actually paid by these security services to do so) then she want to take you somewhere to have sex with you. It is a place most likely with hidden cameras.....if you go ahead and have sex with her (many men probably can not resist not to) then you are stuck... they (these security services) will contact you to show you these recorded material and force you to follow their order and work for them, you have no choice, if you don´t you risk to go to jail, lose your wife or partner, lose your company or work and carier....you risk to lose everything......to be countinued... POLITICIANS WORKING FOR PUTIN AND RUSSIA AND CHINA.... If politicians in your country working for Putin, Russia and China, it is almost impossible to find evidence for it, it could be possible many politicians are on the Putin, Russia and China`s paylist waiting for right time to take control over your country and make your country like HONG KONG AND BELARUS there people are not free. Therefore to be sure that your country is safe from it, you need this democratic system in your country: THIS DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM EXPLAINED FURTHER UPP HERE AT MY WEBSITE. -------- RUSSIAN SECURITY SERVICES AND PUTIN HAVE BEEN USING THIS TO CONTROL POLITICIANS, JUDGES, JOURNALIST, LAW OFFICIALS, IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN YOUR COUNTRY …. TAKING OVER A COUNTRY SLOWLY BY PAYING LOTS OF MONEY TO POLITICAL LEADERS (millions of dollars) or by puting them in a serious situation that these political leaders do not want people to know about it, like sex scandals of serious matter is old SOVIET UNION and KGB tactics they have been trying it lots of times in many countries after secound world war. 2017 PUTIN AND RUSSIAN SECURITY SERVICES USUALLY USE SEX BETWEEN UNDERAGE GIRLS, and important people like judges, law officials, politicians, jounalists, important businessmen etc, to control these people, he arrange it to be recorded by hidden camers in different places around the world. Imagine if EPSTIEN was Putin`s agent, very very possible…. Then Putin will show these sex tapes to these judges, politicians and important people to control them…These important people are afraid of sex scandals specially with underage girls, it means they are considered as pedophiles, they do not want for sure for people to know about it, they are afraid of losing their jobs, their carier, their businesses, their wives and families and end up in jail. Imagine how dangerous it would be if RUSSIAN SECURITY SERVICES control politicians in your country. 14 th janury 2024 ----------- TO STOP THESE DANGEROUS POLITICIANS (IMMORAL UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS) TO TAKE OVER YOUR COUNTRY, you need this democratic system in your country, a court democracy.... THIS DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM EXPLAINED FURTHER UPP HERE AT MY WEBSITE. --------- IMMORAL  UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS POLITICIANS, they would easily put your country and people of your country in serious danger, ..... --------- HOW DO YOU DECIDE THE PUNISHMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS AND SERIOUS CRIMES....The court sentences professional criminals, gang members, drug dealers, those who extort companies and commit serious crimes for example for a robbery to 50 years in prison but tells him/her who committed the crime, if you cooperate fully with law officers and the court and reveal others involved in this crime and everything in details, of course you must be credible, then you can get away with, for example, 25 years in prison (you have 3 weeks to 3 month to come completly clean). But things must also not come to light that show you have not told the whole truth, then you must serve the full sentence. Also, when you get out of prison you are considered a professional criminal and that means if you commit new crimes no matter what, you will be punished between 2 to 25 years in prison, of course if you commit more serious crimes, the punishment will be harsher and longer. EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS IN DIFFERENT PROFESSIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO END UP IN PRISON FOR MORE THAN A YEAR...if they refuse education, they should not be released from prison, but they should stay in the jail until the education is finished. Officials should also try to find them housing and jobs in a different city than before, they must not come to the city or cities they committed serious crimes before they leave prison... 2018______________________________ONE STEP FOR SECURITY TWO STEPS FOR DEMOCRACY. It Really feels sick when the right-wing politicians talk about security and law and order, it's really fake. Undemocratic forces that are not really honest are waiting for an opportunity to take power and they use crime to show how weak they are when it comes to how important democracy is to the world, and our freedom. Undemocratic thinking is worse than the worst crime and it leads to democracy being put in danger and at risk of being overthrown. 2018 CRIME MEETS UNDEMOCRATIC FORCES TRYING TO TAKE OVER YOUR COUNTRY....NO1 FOR EXAMPLE CRIMINALS IN SWEDEN CAUSE EACH YEAR APPROXIMATELY 50 TO 70 DEAD, NAZISTS IN WWII and undemocratic politicians like PUTIN in Russia cause millions of deaths....so don't let undemocratic forces fool you because of criminality..... NAZISTS IN GERMANY DECEIVED THE GERMAN PEOPLE BY USING DEMOCRACY to come to power then step by step dismantling democracy and starting World War II, then as now Nazis used the people's poverty and dissatisfaction with crime and unrest in society to get enough support from the people to come to power, then they directed their hatred towards Jews now they direct their hatred towards Muslims, a Nazi is a Nazi even if they pretend otherwise. 2023-11-26 ALL UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS, POLITICAL PARTIES AND FORCES will eventually start war, fire, disasters and bring to you hell, because they have no democratic, moral values because they are dictators and they feel free to commit all wrong-doings like LOOT AND ROB you and your country of money and resurces, take away your freedom, take away free media, overthrow democracy, rape anyone they want, and if they get sick they usually do, they feel free to bring to you all the hell they can....like starting war, fire and disasters to people to enjoy it..... 6th january 2024 --------- TROLLS BEHIND CRIME. CRIME WILL GIVE UN-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS THE SUPPORT THEY NEED, to overthrow democracy in your country..... TROLLS. WHAT IS A TROLLS JOB? A TROLL WORKS FOR TO CREATE CHAOS IN YOUR COUNTRY, by uploading false information on social media, to affect people to make people do not like democracy and to instead to make them (people) to support un-democratic politicians and political parties, they want democracy to be overthrown and undemocratic forces to take over your country, trolls paid by PUTIN, RUSSIA and CHINA want that RUSSIA and CHINA take over your country to make your country like HONG KONG and BELARUS, there people have no rights and it is RUSSIA and CHINA that decide over your country..... DO NOT LET YOUR ENEMIES TO TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM in your country, when democracy is lost, and un-democratic forces have taken over your country, it is impossible to get back freedom you once had...... NON DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS THEY PROBABLY HAVE ALREADY SOLD THEMSELVES AND COUNTRY to forgien leaders that have paid and chosen them because they are smart politicans with a lot of power to overthrow democracy and hand over country to them TO VOTE FOR AN UN-DEMOCRATIC, IMMORAL AND DANGEROUS POLITICIAN AND POLITICAL PARTY TO RUN YOUR COUNTRY=TO PUT THE WORST OF WORST CRIMINALS TO RUN YOUR COUNTRY, these politicians and political parties, because they have no moral and democratic values, they feel free to loot and rob your country of money and resurses, to rob your money, to commit criminal acts, to take away free media, to take away your freedom, to overthrow democracy and bring to you war, fire and disasters exactly like HITLER, SADAM HUSSIEN AND STALIN have done. Vote only for politicians that have democratic values for your own and your countries best.... 12 TH JUNE 2023 -------- WAR, NON DEMOCRATIC CRIMINAL POLITICIANS WANT TO start war to stop be investigated for thier crimes, strong democracy everywhere will stop these criminal politicians and will stop most wars..2019 -------- DEMOCRACY AND IDOL.... YOU CAN NOT SING, THEN you should not be part of idol. YOU DO NOT HAVE democratic values, then you should not be a politician... 2019 ------ CRIME HAPPENING IN YOUR COUNTRY AND UN-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS…..  TO FIGHT CRIME EFFECTIVELY (=TO KILL SERIOUS CRIME) IN YOUR COUNTRY, YOU MAINLY NEED THESE THREE THINGS (+ SOME OTHER LEGISLATIONS TOGETHER WITH THESE THREE BASIC THINGS) (THIS BOTH IN ENGLISH AND SWEDISH): ENGLISH FIRST: 1: THE BEST WAY AND MOST EFFECTIVE WAY (100%) TO FIGHT CRIME IS CAMERAS EVERYWHERE: A: the police must set up cameras in many places around the country just like in England. B: CITY OFFICIALS IN ALL THE CITIES IN THE COUNTRY must set up cameras everywhere in their cities, in the center and the more places the better. C: business owners must set up cameras that record both what happens inside the business premises and just outside their business area. D: instead of visitation zones that make people angry at the police, the police should have cameras in thousands of cars and bikes monitoring certain areas. in england criminals don't dare to commit crimes because they know there are cameras nearby and they will be caught on film and will be arrasted. so you don't have to take away people's democratic rights and violate them through visitations of innocent people, when there are cameras everywhere, nazis and undemocratic forces (sick people with sick mind in the head) like such undemocratic violations of people`s rights. Nazis and undemocratic forces are waiting and want serious things such as crime and heavy serious explosions to happen in the country especially if many people die from them, which gives them the opportunity to legislate un-democratic laws to abolish democracy, it is very possible that they themselves together with foreign undemocratic security services are behind serious crime to get the support they want to overthrow democracy in the country. 2024-03-11 2: HOW DO YOU DECIDE THE PUNISHMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS AND SERIOUS CRIMES....The court sentences professional criminals, gang members, drug dealers, those who extort companies and commit serious crimes for example for a robbery to 50 years in prison but tells him/her who committed the crime, if you cooperate fully with law officers and the court and reveal others involved in this crime and everything in details, of course you must be credible, then you can get away with, for example, 25 years in prison (you have 3 weeks to 3 month to come completly clean). But things must also not come to light that show you have not told the whole truth, then you must serve the full sentence. Also, when you get out of prison you are considered a professional criminal and that means if you commit new crimes no matter what, you will be punished between 2 to 25 years in prison, of course if you commit more serious crimes, the punishment will be harsher and longer. EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS IN DIFFERENT PROFESSIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO END UP IN PRISON FOR MORE THAN A YEAR...if they refuse education, they should not be released from prison, but they should stay in the jail until the education is finished. Officials should also try to find them housing and jobs in a different city than before, they must not come to the city or cities they committed serious crimes before they leave prison... 2018______________________________ONE STEP FOR SECURITY TWO STEPS FOR DEMOCRACY. It Really feels sick when the right-wing politicians talk about security and law and order, it's really fake. Undemocratic forces that are not really honest are waiting for an opportunity to take power and they use crime to show how weak they are when it comes to how important democracy i s to the world, and our freedom. Undemocratic thinking is worse than the worst crime and it leads to democracy being put in danger and at risk of being overthrown. 2018 3: YOU NEED A COURT SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY (A DEMOCRATIC COURT SYSTEM WITH JUDGES WHO HAVE BEEN ELECTED BY PEOPLE IN GENERAL ELECTION) a democratic court that decide over other courts, lawers, lawofficials, polis, sercurity officials, this court system: COURT DEMOCRACY... THIS DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM EXPLAINED FURTHER UPP HERE AT MY WEBSITE. ------------- SWEDEN AND GERMANY AND OTHER EU COUNTRIES WITH GOOD ECONOMY BETTER to invest at least 1% of GNP each year in other EU countries like ITALY, SPAIN and other EU countries in building factories to produce goods for all citizens of EU, but they should require that these countries strengthen democracy based on philosophies from this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES). These factories should be owned by investing countries, but the profit should be shared 50/50 between investing countries and countries that these factories are suposed to be build in. --------------------- SHIA MUSLIM OR SUNNI MUSLIM OR CHRISTIAN OR JEW OR HINDO OR a person who is not religious the important thing is to be a decent human being (=not committing serious crimes) regardless of religion. 2018 ** -------------------- WHAT IS BEST FOR TURKIYE. Democratic political system usually won`t last long in Turkiye before military forces do a kudetta and overtrow gouvenment. Now the future of Turkiye deponds on ERDOGAN he could choose what is best for Turkiye and people to live in a long lasting democratic system and freedom without fear of political and military kudetta and diktatorship and that would be to make Turkiye strong and stable democratic country-------2016 --------------------.
ECONOMIC ARGUMENT FROM ME 2020 April 12th ECONOMY PROGRAM BASED ON LOW TAXES  IS NOT GOOD FOR COUNTRY..... If you have studied economy you know that to run a country you need taxes. Things to run a country with cost a lot. You have to have a balanced tax system (the right balance is 50/50 a company should normally pay max 50% taxes not less not more if they do profit) not to go minus not to stop companies to grow(right balance). To run a country is like to run a business, you have to have a balance for what price you put on goods and services you sell. If you put too low prices on them you will not be able to pay for your expenses (LIKE TRUMP`S ECONOMIC PROGRAM THAT IS ONLY ON LOW TAXES) it doesen`t work and the country will eventually at the end go bankrupt...such a economy program from some political parties is opportunistic to make people to vote for them it is not good for country. Anyway you need VAT (VALUE ADDED TAXES) too at least 25% on goods and services. It gives the government the economic muscles it needs to run the economy in the country very well... MIKAEL SADEGHI -------- THE REPUBLICAN ECONOMIC PLAN IN AMERICA HAS NEVER BEEN GOOD FOR AMERICA AND AMERICAN PEOPLE AND HAS LEFT THE AMERICAN ECONOMY in a very bad shape. with large national debts and a large budget deficits in the finances and in America there is no health insurance like in Europe and welfare that exists in European countries, because the Republicans in America scare Americans and call the economic system in the many democratic europian countries for communism, countries like for example GERMANY, DENMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY ETC..That economy system works very well for these countries without large national debts and in most cases without budget deficit and gives people walfare and good economy and helth insurance, that bacause the economy system and the tax system are wise meanwhile it is working very well for business owners too and it is working for super rich too …many of worlds richest companies and business owners come from these countries and republican politicians call it as communism, it means that the American government does not dare to tax the rich ones the same way that European countries do which means that the American economy cannot finance the large costs that the government in America has, for example the military, roads and railways, health insurance and other costs....economy in European countries works much better....21 th january 2024 IN MOST EUROPIAN COUNTRIES ( LIKE GERMANY, DENMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY ETC...) THE ECONOMIC PHILOSOPHY IS THIS, IF ORDINARY PEOPLE HAVE GOOD ECONOMY AND COMFORT LIFE, then it is good for business owners too, so the economic system works for both ordinary people and business owners and it is good for everybody and it is good for country...read about it.... The RIGHT-WING economic policy is to keep most others as poor as possible so that the money goes only to the rich ones, they do not care about others, money is most important for them than many other more important things, that is what shapes their economic policy, moreover it is stupid ideology and politics, if most people have it good financially, then they can shop at the companies, and which also means it is good for the entrepreneurs and business owners, and it is good for the economy in the country, if most people get poorer and poorer when the cost of living goes up, then most of the people can not buy goods and services that business owners offer them, that is not good for companies and the country, when the cost of living goes up incomes must be raised, wages must be raised, pensions must be raised for the country to feel good financially for the people to feel good, for companies and entrepreneurs to feel good (someone must teach right-wing politicians economy). 2020 may --------- SUPER RICH TOO BETTER TO LOOK AT THIS, if most of the people have good economy and good financial situation, then they could buy goods and services that business owners offer them, and it means business owners could for example buy ELON MUSK`S expensive cars too so this economy system (explained down under) will work for ELON MUSK and other super rich people too..... -------- HEALTHY AND WISE TAXES MAKE A COUNTRY STRONG AT ANY GROUNDS LIKE MILITARY, economicly, education, entrepreneourship, democracy and many other areas that should and must work together otherwise non of them will work. ---------- A WISE TAX SYSTEM IN THE COUNTRY IS LIKE BLOOD IN THE BODY, if the blood in your body deliver enough energy to different part of your body, then it means you are a healty person, if taxes deliver enough power to different part of society in the country it means you have a healthy country.... --------- THIS FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SYSTEM FROM ME is not socialism, is not capitalism, it is a court system, it is a democratic and economic court system it is a healthy economic system in your country.... BUT YOU SHOULD FIRST HAVE A STABLE STRONG DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY EXPLAINED FURTHER UP HERE AT THIS WEBSITE. THIS FINANCIAL SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY FROM ME: 1: COMPANIES AND business owners that earn more than 250 thuasends USD (EURO) each year (as of today 2024 this could be change in the future as of inflation in the country) should pay max 50% taxes not more not less. 2: YOU SHOULD HAVE 25% VAT (value added taxes ) on goods and services in your country it gives the government in your country enough economic power to run your country healthy economicly without danger of bigger defecit in the government finances. 3: YOU SHOULD HAVE CITIZEN PAY for citizens of your country (as basic income for unemployed and handicapp people), as of today (2024) better be 1500 EURO(USD) a month, it secures income for citizens of your country that are unemployed, or have some kind of handicapp, it gives them good financial situation to buy goods and services that business owners offer them, that means, it is good for business owners too, and it is good for economy in the country, and it reduces largely the amount of crime the committs in the country. 4: PEOPLE THAT HAVE JOBS AND CAN WORK should allways have good economic situation, usually (note only usually) they better not to borrow huge amont of money that put them in difficult economic situation for long time, they should usally live only on their income without debts to pay bowrroed money instaed of using their money to shop goods and services from business owners. Their wages must raise each year based on inflation rates that them allways should have good economic situation. It is important for economy in the country (people allways have good economic situation). All the people who can work (people that have not serious handicapp) should have a CV on a goverment level or state level website, that they should be allways ready to get the jobs that exist and they should accept if these jobs are presented to them, MORE TO COME SOON HERE.... 1: IN DIFFICULT ECONOMIC TIMES, it is better to raise VAT rates, raise fees and taxes temporarily a little at a time from at least 1% and up to a maximum of 10% as said temporarily one year at a time, until the economy is balanced, then normal tax rates should apply. 2: GOVERNMENT SHOULD HAVE OWN PRODUCTION OF FOOD, ENERGY, AND MEDICINE to counter inflation, this economic system is much better than raising interest rates (from my May 2020 philosophy)… 12-01-2024 WHY THE GOVERNMENT HAS TO HAVE ITS OWN PRODUCTION OF FOOD, ENERGY AND MEDICINE? because the government should guarantee the supply of these things to the people of country. It shouldn`t compete with private production of these this way. A court should decide the minimum price of these products that both govenment and private sector should follow, these minimum prices should gurantee profit after expenses for both government and private sector for producing these products. It is not socialistic economy it is wise economy, even if some rich people do not care people are suffering, many small besinesses can not pay high energy prices and are going under and these rich selfish people can not stand this idea and accuse the idea to be socialism..... MIKAEL SADEGHI MAY 2020 -------- AMERICAN ECONOMY COMPARE TO EUROPIAN CONTRIES LIKE GERMANY, DENMARK, SWEDEN, NORWAY ETC..... ECONOMY IN THESE EUROPIAN CONTRIES SHOWS nearly allways plus, these countries have no budget deficit for most of the time, and not much of national debts and still these countries have helth insurance for all the people, it cost almost nothing for people of these countries to go to doctors, get treatments, stay in hospital, and even get surgeries, and economy in these countries give all the citizen comfort life, good economy and walfare and most important because of the walfare that government offers them there exists allmost not much of crimes in these countries compare to america. 13 th february 2024 ---------------------------------- USA, EU, GERMANY, UK, FRANCE, CANADA, JAPAN ALL DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES BETTER  TO INVEST 1% AND UP TO 5% GDP EACH YEAR in developing countries to build manufacturing factories to produce and manufacture goods for AMERICA, EU, and other countries around the world, but they should require that these countries to strengthen democracy based on philosophies from this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES). These factories should be owned by investing countries, but the profit should be shared 50/50 between investing countries and countries that these factories are suposed to be build in.
CRIME WILL MAKE PEOPLE UNHAPPY WITH DEMOCRACY.. Politicians that have democratic values, should not be soft on criminals, they should legislate to put serious criminals behind bars for very long time, because criminals harasing hard working people and people that want to live thier lives without committing crimes, will make people, unhappy with, will make people to support un-democratic, dark, dangerous politicians and political parties, that will put the country in much more dangerous situations…. democracy 2018 --------------- TROLLS BEHIND CRIME. CRIME WILL GIVE UN-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS THE SUPPORT THEY NEED, to overthrow democracy in your country..... TROLLS. WHAT IS A TROLLS JOBB? A TROLL WORKS FOR TO CRATE CHAOS IN YOUR COUNTRY, by uploading false information on social media, to affect people to make people do not like democracy and to instead to make them (people) to support un-democratic politicians and political parties, they want democracy to be overthrown and undemocratic forces to take over your country, trolls paid by PUTIN, RUSSIA and CHINA want that RUSSIA and CHINA take over your country to make your country like HONG KONG and BELARUS, there people have no rights and it is RUSSIA and CHINA that decide over your country..... ------------------------ UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND PUTIN AND CRIME HAPPENING IN YOUR COUNTRY....POLITICIANS (THAT ARE DISHONEST WHO MOSTLY THINK ABOUT THE MONEY) WHO ACTUALLY ARE VERY HAPPY THAT CRIME, SHOOTINGS, LOOTING AND KILLINGS ARE HAPPENING, because they actually do not have democratic values (even if they say otherwise to pretend to have democratic values to decive people) crime, shootings, looting, killings give them the opportunity they are looking for to legislate undemocratic laws that pave the way to overthrow democracy in the country in the future, to stop these dangerous politicians from endangering democracy and the freedom of the people, this is needed in the country:TO FIGHT CRIME AND HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO HAVE STRONG STABLE DEMOCRACY IN THE COUNTRY:BEFORE YOU AS A POLITICIAN BEGIN TO GO HARD ON CRIME AND CRIMINALS YOU SHOULD first make sure that democracy in your country is strong and stable enough that you are not legislating laws that could put democracy in serious danger, because un-democratic politicians would use your legislation to overthrow democracy and people`s freedom in the country, when undemocratic forces have taken over your country, it is impossible to get back freedom you once had, un-democratic forces are the worst of worst criminals, because they will loot and rob you and people and your country of the money and resurses, they will take away yours and peoples freedom, take away free media, commit worse of the crimes, rape anyone they want and they will overthrow democracy, just look at PUTIN what he does to everybody and Russia and people in Ukrine and in Russia, they have no rights, nothing to say about anything, and if they get into trouble they are in serious danger, so when you make sure this democratic system has been imposed in your country, you could legislate the hardest legislations to fight crime and criminals without puting democracy and people`s lives in danger. -------------------- TO FIGHT CRIME EFFECTIVELY (=TO KILL SERIOUS CRIME) IN YOUR COUNTRY, YOU MAINLY NEED THESE THREE THINGS (+ SOME OTHER LEGISLATIONS TOGETHER WITH THESE THREE BASIC THINGS THAT WILL MAKE MOST OF THE SERIOUS CRIME TO DISAPPEAR FROM YOUR COUNTRY). 1: THE BEST WAY AND MOST EFFECTIVE WAY (100%) TO FIGHT CRIME IS CAMERAS EVERYWHERE: A: the police must set up cameras in many places around the country just like in England. B: CITY OFFICIALS IN ALL THE CITIES IN THE COUNTRY must set up cameras everywhere in their cities, in the center and the more places the better. C: business owners must set up cameras that record both what happens inside the business premises and just outside their business area. D: instead of visitation zones (some europian countries are imposing it in their countries) that make people angry at the police, the police should have cameras in thousands of cars and bikes monitoring certain areas. In england criminals don't dare to commit crimes because they know there are cameras nearby and they will be caught on film and will be arrasted.so you don't have to take away people's democratic rights and violate them through visitations of innocent people, when there are cameras everywhere, nazis and undemocratic forces (sick people with sick mind in the head) like such undemocratic violations of people`s rights. Nazis and undemocratic forces are waiting and want serious things such as crime and heavy serious explosions to happen in the country especially if many people die from them, which gives them the opportunity to legislate un-democratic laws to abolish democracy, it is very possible that they themselves together with foreign undemocratic security services are behind serious crime to get the support they want to overthrow democracy in the country.2024-03-11 2: HOW DO YOU DECIDE THE PUNISHMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS AND SERIOUS CRIMES....The court sentences professional criminals, gang members, drug dealers, those who extort companies and commit serious crimes for example for a robbery to 50 years in prison but tells him/her who committed the crime, if you cooperate fully with law officers and the court and reveal others involved in this crime and everything in details, of course you must be credible, then you can get away with, for example, 25 years in prison (you have 3 weeks to 3 month to come completly clean). But things must also not come to light that show you have not told the whole truth, then you must serve the full sentence. Also, when you get out of prison you are considered a professional criminal and that means if you commit new crimes no matter what, you will be punished between 2 to 25 years in prison, of course if you commit more serious crimes, the punishment will be harsher and longer. EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS IN DIFFERENT PROFESSIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO END UP IN PRISON FOR MORE THAN A YEAR...if they refuse education, they should not be released from prison, but they should stay in the jail until the education is finished. Officials should also try to find them housing and jobs in a different city than before, they must not come to the city or cities they committed serious crimes before they leave prison... 2018______________________________ONE STEP FOR SECURITY TWO STEPS FOR DEMOCRACY. It Really feels sick when the right-wing politicians talk about security and law and order, it's really fake. Undemocratic forces that are not really honest are waiting for an opportunity to take power and they use crime to show how weak they are when it comes to how important democracy is to the world, and our freedom. Undemocratic thinking is worse than the worst crime and it leads to democracy being put in danger and at risk of being overthrown. 2018   3: YOU NEED A COURT SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY (A DEMOCRATIC COURT SYSTEM WITH JUDGES WHO HAVE BEEN ELECTED BY PEOPLE IN GENERAL ELECTION) a democratic court that decide over other courts, lawers, lawofficials, polis, sercurity officials, this court system:COURT DEMOCRACY...MY PHILOSOPHIES ON THE MOST STABLE DEMOCRACY THAT CANNOT BE OVERTHROWN = COURT DEMOCRACY, such a democratic system stops undemocratic, dangerous and criminal politicians and political parties from coming to power at all and stops them from overthrowing democracy and having the opportunity to bring to others dangers, fire and disasters, these undemocratic forces are usually controlled from the security services of some undemocratic countries and usually by creating chaos in a democratic country, by unrest by creating problems in the country in various ways that make people dissatisfied with democracy by that they try to get enough support to take over your democratic country and then overthrow democracy and bring to you war, fire, and disasters.....Every democratic country must have a democratic court (a court to protect democracy as its members i.e. 30 trained lawyers in democratic matters who do not belong politically to a political party and they are elected in free elections every four years by the people) and their job is to prevent democracy from being overthrown . A court side by side democratic parliament, and elected political representatives and also side by side with this organization (ORGANIZATION DEMOCRATIC VALUES BETWEEN COUNTRIES) THIS ORGANIZATION (NOTE: ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE CITIZENS OF YOUR COUNTRY WITH DEMOCRATIC VALUES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THIS ORGANIZATION) TOGETHER WITH THIS COURT SHOULD HAVE CONTROL OVER THE MILITARY FORCES, POLICE AND SECURITY SERVICES AND THROUGH THAT GUARANTEE A STABLE DEMOCRACY IN EVERY COUNTRY. MIKAEL MIKE SADEGHI 2022-12-02MAY 2020 ------------ CRIME MEETS UNDEMOCRATIC FORCES TRYING TO TAKE OVER YOUR COUNTRY....NO1 FOR EXAMPLE CRIMINALS IN SWEDEN CAUSE EACH YEAR APPROXIMATELY 50 TO 70 DEAD, NAZISTS IN WWII and undemocratic politicians like PUTIN in Russia cause millions of deaths....so don't let undemocratic forces fool you because of criminality..... NAZISTS IN GERMANY DECEIVED THE GERMAN PEOPLE BY USING DEMOCRACY to come to power then step by step dismantling democracy and starting World War II, then as now Nazis used the people's poverty and dissatisfaction with crime and unrest in society to get enough support from the people to come to power, then they directed their hatred towards Jews now they direct their hatred towards Muslims, a Nazi is a Nazi even if they pretend otherwise. 2023-11-26 ALL UNDEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS, POLITICAL PARTIES AND FORCES will eventually start war, fire, disasters and bring to you hell, because they have no democratic, moral values because they are dictators and they feel free to commit all wrong-doings like LOOT AND ROB you and your country of money and resurces, take away your freedom, take away free media, overthrow democracy, rape anyone they want, and if they get sick they usually do, they feel free to bring to you all the hell they can....like starting war, fire and disasters to people to enjoy it..... 6th january 2024. -------------- WHY NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY WANT SHOOTINGS, KILLINGS, LOOTINGS, BURNINGS, DESTROINGS BUILDINGS ETC TO HAPPEN IN THE COUNTRY? Because it gives them power to overthrow democracy and people`s freedom in the country and to become dictators. They may even be behind these somehow they can in different ways. WHY NON-DEMOCRATIC POLITICIANS AND ORGANIZATIONS FROM INSIDE AND OUTSIDE COUNTRY WANT TO CREATE CHAOS IN THE COUNTRY? Because it gives them power to overthrow democracy and people`s freedom in the country and to become dictators. They may even be behind it somehow they can in different ways. 2018